Miracle Technical Institute

MIRACLE stands for The Marianist Institute of Rural Artisans for Christian Life Education. It is a vocational training school owned and operated by The Marianist of the District of Eastern Africa. It is situated in Karonga in the northern part of Malawi. It offers training to orphans all over the country who have been left behind by parents who have died of HIV/AIDS.

The goal of MIRACLE is to give poor youth in Karonga trade skills appropriate for rural market as well as life skills for a virtuous life. Both of these - trade skills and life skills - will enable young people to earn an income and raise Christ-centered families.

Since the establishment of MIRACLE in the year 2000, over 100 trainees have graduated every year with qualifications as carpenters, hotel caterers, electricians, bricklayers and dressmakers/tailors. MIRACLE strives to place all her trainees in place of work after successful completion of their training.